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Dovercourt Bay connection to Butlins

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  • KAF2
    A very good website! Thanks for the link.

    ​​​​You seem to have all sorts of bits and pieces in your collection. Just wondered, do you have a copy of the book, "A History of Butlins Railways" by Peter Scott? It has always been very hard to come by. If you do, I'd love to see some scans online! Thanks.

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  • Banmrk
    started a topic Dovercourt Bay connection to Butlins

    Dovercourt Bay connection to Butlins

    As my site was growing, I was very lucky to have Babs nearby and connect me with a person who I call family. Mandy had been in touch to explain her story of Major Frank Bond, an amazing man who had helped develop the Pwllheli Rock Gardens. As we spoke over the years, I had learnt that not only did Major Frank Bond have a large connection to the Butlins story but he also had a large connection to the Warners Dovercourt Camp.

    You can see the story of Major Frank Bond by clicking on this link:

    Here is a sneak peek of the page
    Major Frank Bond Story on Butlins Memorabilia

    In that photo is Sir Billy Butlin at Dovercourt Bay. ​So you may ask, why has this excited me?

    Well as the story of the amazing Major Frank Bond started to grow, two photos were shared with me from Mandy that made my mind blow away! Here is a sneak peek...
    Major Frank Bond Story on Butlins Memorabilia

    As you can see, the iconic symbol, known as the Butlin chalet, is being advertised with Major Frank Bond standing in front of it (he is the one on the right). Look closely at the photo and you will see Skegness....then Dovercourt and other Warners camps. This was showing the connection that Butlin's has with the Warners, which we all knew about. This photo, plus many more were just amazing....However, the story does not stop there as further information came to the site.

    As I designed the page named "The Icons of Butlins", my investigation just go so much more exciting about Dovercourt Bay and its importance to the Butlin timeline.
    Dovercourt Bay and Chalet Icon of Butlins

    The chalets in Butlins are known to me as the gems as they are beautiful to see and have a rich historic connection. As I started to look further into the chalet's history, it was Dovercourt Bay that shouted out to me. It was never disappointing and the results were out of this world for me. The words in my mind to explain the excitement are truly hard to explain so I believe this sneak peek will tell the story to you.
    Dovercourt Bay and Chalet Icon of Butlins

    WOW, just look at them chalets in Dovercourt Bay and it's now that I was so overwhelmed by their beauty. You can see the very close connection to the Butlin timeline and history with these beautiful gems and they are truly amazing to see.

    You can see more about these gems and how they are a part of the Butlins timeline by visiting this link: Butlin's Chalets with Dovercourt Bay Holiday camp and Major Frank Bond - Butlin's Icons memories

    I am truly honoured to be able to show this to you and hope you find it useful. ​​​