13-12-03, 12:21 AM
Hello all,
I have to say I love this site, and i never stayed at butlins, i was a pontins kinda kid. (well i suppose as a kid, i was at the mercy of where my parents wanted to go on holiday
Personally I stayed at Brean and St. Marys. I have fond memories of both and glad that both are still active, and doing well. As a kid, i guess i took pontins side of the fence, seeing butlins as a competitor. I now know that they weren't, they took very different niches of the market in their time. having seen the fate of some of the butlins sites, its real sad. If only they could be brought back, although i know this beyond hope. I often visit clacton, and marvel at the size of the camp there (now sadly a housing estate).
May I also recommend, if the site close to your heart is Derelict Dolphin site, in brixham, see this site devoted to it:
And if middleton towers, is your old haunt check out this yahoo group;
Meanwhile, I have fingers x'd for a book about billy butlin for christmas haveing just finished Fred Pointins autobio!
I have to say I love this site, and i never stayed at butlins, i was a pontins kinda kid. (well i suppose as a kid, i was at the mercy of where my parents wanted to go on holiday

Personally I stayed at Brean and St. Marys. I have fond memories of both and glad that both are still active, and doing well. As a kid, i guess i took pontins side of the fence, seeing butlins as a competitor. I now know that they weren't, they took very different niches of the market in their time. having seen the fate of some of the butlins sites, its real sad. If only they could be brought back, although i know this beyond hope. I often visit clacton, and marvel at the size of the camp there (now sadly a housing estate).
May I also recommend, if the site close to your heart is Derelict Dolphin site, in brixham, see this site devoted to it:
And if middleton towers, is your old haunt check out this yahoo group;
Meanwhile, I have fingers x'd for a book about billy butlin for christmas haveing just finished Fred Pointins autobio!