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(Recovered from old forum #13748) - Dining hall Porter

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  • (Recovered from old forum #13748) - Dining hall Porter

    01-08-17, 03:44 PM
    In 1976 I spent the season working at the Minehead site. Because of the heat we were advised to drink salted water .As you can imagine working next to the kitchens there was no let up from heat generated from all sides. We had to wear white jackets with shirts and ties under them.I can remember cutting a shirt up so all that was left was the collar and part of the front .Under the jacket no one could tell.We had our own bar which was open for an extra hour after the campers bars had closed.I can remember clearly earning a few extra quid by working as a waiter during the live performances of named acts. I once carried a tray full of drinks in front of the stage where ALF GARNET was appearing.He reached down and grabbed a pint from my tray.You could earn more from tips in one night than the whole week as a porter.
    Amonst our group were lads from all over the country.At one time we all had tea shirts made up with the name of BIONIC PORTERS printed on the back. Sounds mad today but great fun at the time.We worked hard and played hard! Many is the time when "Hen Parties" would turn up for a whole week so we as gentlemen would have to keep them entertained.It would of been wrong not to of.Once a week we would play football against the campers.Not for the faint hearted I can assure you.In one game the Ref got sent of!!!.
    Ive a few photos somewhere at home and I will try and dig them out.
    So many thoughts going though my head at the mo of all the fantastic times i had there.....Brillant....
    I have returned to Minehead a few times since plus Bognor and Skegness while attending the "70s" weekends.In fact sept 22nd 2017 sees us at Bognor.These weekends are fun but not a patch on 1976.....Nothing will ever be..!