This site would not exist without the very generous support from hundreds of different contributors. We're always looking out for new material - photos, postcards, brochures, maps, articles etc - pretty much anything and everything connected to Butlins or any other British holiday camp. Just drop us a note and tell us what you've got or go ahead and send your photos or information for possible inclusion on the site but please send any images in JPG format only. And also state whether or not you'd like your name to be credited.
Also, please bear in mind that this site is run on a voluntary basis in people's spare time so please be patient if you do not receive a reply straight away. We try to reply to every e-mail as soon as possible and to make use of all material submitted to the site eventually and are very grateful for everything sent in.
In a lot of cases, you may be able to find the answer to whatever question you have on our forum and we would suggest trying there.
Please do not contact us regarding brochure requests, employment, holiday bookings or anything else relating to the current Butlins company - we are unable to help! We're just an unofficial non-profit fan site and have no connection to Butlins, Bourne Leisure or any associated companies.
The same applies if you're looking for information relating to the Butlins archive. You'll need to contact them direct as we are unable to assist:
Butlins Archive, Butlins Resort, Upper Bognor Rd, Bognor Regis, W Sussex PO21 1JJ -
Our email address is: