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Memories of Clacton in the 1970's by Keith Jennings Back

Being a child of a broken marriage at the time it was very hard for my mum not only to find the money for every day living let alone a holiday. But, she saved up and went without just so I could have and experience a holiday.

We came to butlins in Clacton. The first thing I remember seeing was vintage cars going around a track, the next a lovely swimming pool, then we got booked in and off to our chalet. After that we went for awalk around, wow so much to do so much to see where do we start?

First of all, I joined the Butlin's Beavers. This was for kids looked after by redcoats so parents could have some time alone. We done competions like how many items can you fit in a match box, crazy golf, swimming, fancy dress and find the pirate, this was a redcoat dressed as Captian Kidd. If you caught him he was made to walk the plank into the swimming pool and you got a prize.

I learnt to swim in their indoor pool, I can remember hanging above the pool artifical vines with friuts and birds on them. There was also wrestling for adults to watch and cabaret for them. There was the chuck wagon bar, and a chinese restarant who did a mean mushroom omlete. There was also a cafe with a juke box, the favorite at the time was or had the lyrics hey rock n roll. They also did a icecream coke float.

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